The Real World By
Andrew Tate

Our Mass Portal

Our Teaching Manifesto

Turn the entrepreneurial process into an engaging game.
Students master money-making skills by real-world practice.
Help our students start succeeding right away.

What Do We Teach?

Decide On A Capability

Our taught entrepreneurial strategies share these features:

  • 100% web-based functionality
  • Freedom from physical constraints
  • Expandable to substantial income
  • Leveraging cutting-edge AI
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AI Chip
Artificial Intelligence

Escalate Your Wealth

Upon reaching the six-figure milestone, our focus shifts to instructing you on financial strategies that maximize your capital gains.

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Amplify Your Operations

The concluding stage focuses on coaching you to strategically use your earnings to catalyze your company's development.

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Business & Finance
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What is The Real World?

Gold R Letter
Matrix Hand Holding World

The Real World represents a worldwide collective of goal-oriented people accumulating significant financial resources.

All members receive top-tier education and ongoing support from a group of accomplished business leaders.

The Real World has successfully reshaped numerous futures via our wealth-focused, distinctive educational methodology.

What Do I Get Access to?


Business Growth: The Ultimate Game

Students progress in entrepreneurship like conquering game levels. Access fresh tutorials, construct your profit-making arsenal, and enhance your business inventory. Our application gamifies your evolution from beginner to $10K per month earner and further.


Wealth Architects on Demand

Our application offers instant access to affluent industry leaders. Upon enrollment, the Mentors will design your unique roadmap for monetary success. You'll be coached through each phase via daily live interactions and personalized communication with the Mentors.

Professors photos

Progressing in Unison

The pinnacle is bustling with camaraderie. Our collective consists of amicable collaborators who connect and inspire mutual growth every day. Over 200,000 ambitious peers have joined our successful alliance, now basking in perpetual triumphs.

Screenshots of testimonials

Meet the Mentors

We refer to our instructors as "Professors," drawing on their hands-on experience rather than theoretical knowledge.

Each of our professors has achieved over $1,000,000 in earnings using the techniques they will share with you in The Real World.

They are dedicated to guiding, teaching, and mentoring you through your business endeavors daily.

Professor Andrew
Professor Dylan
Professor Shuayb
Professor TJ
Amazon FBA
Professor Adam
Professor Michael
Professor Aayush
Professor Arno

Proven Success

Our methodology is shaped by our learners' accomplishments, with our experts consistently evolving and enhancing strategies to align with today's economic realities.

We measure our impact through our students' present-day victories, not historical data. Our focus is on teaching the practical aspects of financial growth.

Laptop and Phone showing the app

We've engineered a constantly available conduit to complete transformation. Our software is fully functional on every computing device, from PCs to mobile phones and tablets.

200K+ students

The Real World ecosystem connects you with upwards of 200,000 prosperity-seeking and vitality-conscious go-getters.

Montage of a luxury lifestyle all over the world with boats, super cars and private planes

Our supportive ecosystem and advisory framework will arm you with all the essentials required to achieve monetary autonomy.

Gold knight chess piece Gold knight chess piece

Proven Impact

The Real World logo
Get Full Access
$49.99 Entry Fee
$49.99 every month afterwards
  • Simple Chapters

  • 19 Methods to Create Wealth

  • Meet Success Mentors

  • Community chat groups

  • No experience required

  • Custom-Built App

  • Price locked forever

The Real World operates on the principle of tangible results. Our success is exclusively measured by the triumphs of our members.

We're committed to demonstrating a tested pathway to financial autonomy and mentoring you through each phase.

We derive great fulfillment from transforming aspiring individuals into industrious, affluent, and gratified victors.

The Path Is Yours to Choose

The system seeks to keep you destitute, fragile, and secluded. We've established a vast channel to equip you with the resources to liberate yourself from contemporary bondage.

We've dedicated years to crafting our self-sufficient and state-of-the-art educational framework, and we persistently revolutionize and upgrade it each day.

We aspire for you to become prosperous, formidable, and highly connected in this era.

Your triumph is our unwavering mission.
Do you seek to attain financial autonomy?

Key Program Information

What skills will I develop in this program?

Our curriculum covers a wide range of digital marketing and entrepreneurship skills.
You'll learn everything from content creation and SEO to business strategy and financial management.

How is the course content delivered?

The program uses a blend of video lessons, interactive workshops, and practical assignments.
All content is accessible through our user-friendly online learning platform.

Is there a community aspect to the program?

Yes, we have a vibrant online community where students can network and share experiences.
Regular group calls and forums provide opportunities for collaboration and peer support.

Are there any prerequisites for joining?

There are no specific prerequisites other than a willingness to learn and put in the effort.
Basic computer skills and internet access are necessary to participate in the online components.

What kind of support is available after course completion?

Graduates have lifetime access to our alumni network and resources.
We also offer advanced modules and ongoing mentorship opportunities for continued growth.

How often is the course content updated?

We review and update our curriculum quarterly to ensure it remains current with industry trends.
Major updates are implemented annually, with smaller adjustments made more frequently as needed.

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied with the program.
Please review our refund policy for full details and conditions.